![]() 12/28/2017 at 17:31 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
Don’t we all love that around the holidays you can get the whole family together for a photoshoot? Hers, his, and mine. (F31 320xd; F11 530xd; E61 525i) Will post reviews soon. Spoiler alert: The F11 isn’t exactly my favourite.
![]() 12/28/2017 at 17:56 |
You spoil us with your eurospec cars.
![]() 12/28/2017 at 17:59 |
Wait! You can’t get them over there? I know that they only offer select models in your market but those????
![]() 12/28/2017 at 18:05 |
Most of North Americans can’t get wagons, sure the US gets some, but we’re unloved in Mexico. Wagon wise I remember seeing a current gen RS6 once but it was probably imported via third party...
![]() 12/28/2017 at 18:12 |
No 5er Touring in NA since E61.
Oops replied to wrong person.
![]() 12/28/2017 at 18:13 |
No 5er Touring in NA since E61.
![]() 12/28/2017 at 18:16 |
did ya’ll get the e60 M5 wagon?
![]() 12/28/2017 at 18:35 |
And you didn’t miss a thing! Engine and powertrain are great, the Harman Kardon stereo is dope, everything else seems almost like a step backwards.
![]() 12/28/2017 at 18:39 |
That’s not Ruegen, so is it Ebersberg or Freising?
![]() 12/28/2017 at 18:52 |
Nope, no M5 wagon in the US as an official import ever.
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I had a F11 528i rental in Germany several years ago. A cruiser, not a bruiser.
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![]() 12/28/2017 at 19:12 |
A manual E61 is rarer than unicorn farts over here.
![]() 12/28/2017 at 21:09 |
E34s should be able to come in now (although I think an E34 M5 Touring is insanely rare), the rest are too new. Of course, some overpaid diplomat type can bring in what they please.
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My math teacher has one. She’s selling it because it has too many electrical problems.
![]() 12/28/2017 at 21:45 |
Oh diplomats, some shithead diplomat rides his r 1200 gs on the side walk and parks on the sidewalk (illegal here too) just because he has the white on blue plates no one can dare mess with him.
![]() 12/28/2017 at 21:59 |
It’d be a shame if someone knocked the bike over, a real crying shame.
![]() 12/28/2017 at 22:42 |
Oh I’ve seen that sunnufabitch but I don’t mess with the embassy police....
Yes... Diplomats have their own police force... Like a swat team...
![]() 12/28/2017 at 22:53 |
Well, revenge is a dish best served cold. What country’s embassy? Sounds like Mexico needs some guillotines.
Trip on the sidewalk, hit the bike and knock it over, and sue for injury, and/or make it a big media spectacle.
![]() 12/28/2017 at 23:56 |
I could record him doing it and send it to the country’s official tweet account!
Atop having bodyguards, each embassy has their own public police officers (and patrol cars) given by the Mexico City police department.
They have the same patrol cars and same uniforms but carry MP5s and have “Embajadas” written on the side of the patrol cars. I can’t find a picture but if I can take one I’ll send it.
![]() 12/29/2017 at 06:25 |
![]() 12/29/2017 at 09:23 |
Or just a mild doxing - enough to get name and origin, and plaster it to every possible source on the web.
It’s nice to see that even with the dumpster fire that is the current state of American affairs, the neighbor to the south is still more wacked out - at least for the time being, as Dotard no doubt sees it as a contest.
![]() 12/29/2017 at 11:37 |
Mexican political affairs and rule of law has always been a case of a five alarm dumpster fire next to a butane factory.
I do wonder what keeps us as a society glued together because it sure as hell isn’t the rule of law!
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Must be that little inkling of human decency that exists even in the worst situations. Not enough to win, but it won’t be extinguished.
I wonder how long until things are similar north of the border.
![]() 12/29/2017 at 17:10 |
Little time, Trump might hate us but he sure as hell loves running the American government like the Mexican one is ran
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I agree, a race to the bottom. Eventually we’ll have waves of immigrants moving south ;)
![]() 12/29/2017 at 21:49 |
Belive it or not the Mexican immigration institute is horribly racist....but sure...
![]() 12/29/2017 at 22:15 |
Isn’t that every immigration system? Or at least classist - you can always buy your way in.
![]() 12/30/2017 at 01:16 |
Clasist and racist... They let in Japanese people but not Chinese or Koreans because Japanese people were more hard working? And also anyone European really... Now itsnot so blatantly xenophobic....
![]() 12/30/2017 at 12:25 |
The US has been the same way in the past, especially between the wars, when even some Europeans weren’t “white” enough. MX and USA might have more in common than either want to admit (maybe along the same lines that Canada is the 51st state, even though nobody wants to say it).
But today, money talks - 500K will buy you residency, virtually no questions asked.
![]() 12/30/2017 at 12:34 |
Not sure how it works here in Mexico, but yeah, we also discriminated against the Greek and the Portuguese.
Mexico/The US literally white washed their history!
Which is funny because our independence war was about excessive classism and racism in the form of the caste system. But we do have a lot in common, dare I say we have almost the same principles of government (Federalism/capitalism) my joke is that if the US is Centre, then Canada’s the Liberal and Mexico’s the Conservative... Paul Ryan, Trump, Mich all those people would love Mexico! virtually no taxes, no one cares if the police is militarized and poverty/racism against a minority (the native Mexicans) is rampant!
I know these are horrible things (and living in the all loving liberal bubble that Mexico City is I don’t get to see them often) but its basically Paul Ryan boner material right there!
![]() 12/30/2017 at 12:50 |
You know what happens when a couple has too much in common - they can bicker a bit. That might be MX and USA.
The US declared independence from a somewhat sinister and authoritarian empire, and in the relatively recent past, has come to mimic some of those bad traits. The virtual fetishization of the praetorian sector is telling. I like your liberal/center/conservative view, I think that holds merit. And no doubt the libertarian idiots out there love such ideas - no regulation, no accountability.
I also live in a somewhat leftist bubble, and for all of the evils some say of being liberal (which in reality, American liberals are centrist capitalists), the economy in my area is among the strongest in the country, while the low regulation low cost areas mostly stagnate and falter. This seems to play out in most of the world. Funny how that works. People like Ryan would be living rough if not for family money and public sector largesse.
![]() 12/30/2017 at 13:18 |
Well, Micheal DeSanta said it best at the end of Grand Theft Auto!
The thing that right wing capitalists don’t understand is that businesses tend to chose more expensive customers over cheaper expenses. A city needs a lot of infrastructure for its citizens and its expensive, so businesses that want to have a go in a city must pay higher taxes but at the same time get the more expensive costumers, a shit ton of infrastructure, and volume.
![]() 12/30/2017 at 15:58 |
And indeed for where businesses want to locate. Seattle has insane living costs, to the point where normal working people can afford to buy houses only in areas with horrific commutes. I know virtually nobody my age who owns a house and didn’t have family help. Even with this, people (especially younger educated people) are still flocking here, as the quality of life is high. You get what you pay for. I’ve been to much of the US, and I’d choose this place over most of it. The low cost-low amenity areas are also a case of getting what you pay for.
![]() 12/30/2017 at 16:06 |
Mexico City is more of a city of cities; if you can’t afford Polanco or Santa Fe worry not that a shit ton of places can accommodate you and still have a nice life, if you like public transportation I’d stay in the city center.
![]() 12/30/2017 at 16:50 |
Public transportation, what’s that? I’m in the USA, in a metro area with less public transport than a European city 1/5th the size.
Affordable areas of Seattle seem to be a 90 minute commute by car to employment centers, or a 4 hour bus ride.
![]() 12/30/2017 at 17:05 |
Its when we all chip in so that we can share a train and pay a fraction of the price for it later! I think its a hipster thing that New York does...
In the case of Mexico City it means that you can cross the city (from the top of the green line to the bottom of the golden line) in two hours, all for 5 pesos (26 cents of a dollar) whether its price subsiding is good or not is a topic for another day...
Look, let me show you what public transportation looks like:
It’s still quite limited, the entire south and west of the city is ignored, Ciudad Neza is... well, not Mexico City so they don’t get our metro (You can see the almost straight line it takes where it hits the state limit) the green line atop I think is a joint project between the local governments and our city hall.
![]() 12/30/2017 at 17:29 |
Many of the Ryan types probably see public transport as some kind of Bolshevist conspiracy, and refuse to support it. Many Americans don’t grasp the idea of a social good, and that such goods don’t need to make a profit.
Seattle has a single north-south commuter train from a few suburbs in a direct line with the city proper, with limited hours of operation. No point in showing it on a map, it’s a single line. There’s also a 1962 World’s Fair relic monorail downtown. That’s it. The rest is bus. The powers that be are working on expanding an east-west line, but construction is slow and insanely expensive as it is being built now and not 30 years ago when the poor planning boomers had a chance and rejected it. This metro area isn’t a fraction the size of Mexico City, but still laughable in terms of transit - even Portland has more. Transport and housing costs are the key drawbacks to being here. The job market and overall quality of life make up for it, for most people.
![]() 12/30/2017 at 18:50 |
I thought Seattle was filled with bycicle wielding commuters or something!
![]() 12/30/2017 at 19:27 |
There’s definitely a contingent in the city proper, but the cool wet weather combined with awful local drivers makes bikes (human and motor powered) a risky proposition if you need to go any distance.